LADA project in the frame of Temporary City – Pécs 2009
Ian Anüll, Marc Bijl, Hajnal Németh, János Sugár, Pál Szacsva y, Péter Lowas
15. may – 24. may 2009
Within the Temporary City project the LADA illuminated the provided space – after the fashion of the parlors to let in Berlin and with the obvious goal of drawing attention - with strong violet light from the inside.
In the almost, but still not empty space, where a continuous, low-keyed, dim and crackling noise - the sound of fire with infiltrating guitar-melodies - can be heard, we placed such text-based pieces, messages, manifests – almost imperceptibly - , which warned us of our society’s deformations, our abstracted values, the importance of our lives and decisions.
In the quotation of the strongly contrasted light and sound filling or more precisely unfilling the space, started to operate with minimal devices formally leaning mostly on the written text, still the operation was effective.