Szacsva y Pál lives and works in his perimedia laboratory in Budapest. Perimedia lab is a workshop devoted to the study of periphenomena. The lab daily issues a one page online publication called Peripublic. This publicaiton is signed by two authors: Szacsva, a periartist and Pál a periresearcher. Szacsva and Pál systematically collect all peripictural and peritextual information in order to analyze them in their laboratory and to daily comment on one of them in a peripoetic manner. Peripublic and other works by Szacsva y Pál can be seen at www.perimedialab.hu

Szacsva y Pál
Empire in Different Colors

Is it necessary to criticize philosophical works in an artistic context? Is it possible? Is it enough? These might be the first questions that come to the mind of most of us, while watching Szacsva y Pál’s installation entitled Empire in Different Colors. Whether you are a follower or not of Tony Negri and Michael Hardt’s book called Empire, you have to admit that the book has received a crushing critique in the academia. A critique which was almost completely ignored by the „art intellectuals”, most of whom still today find on its pages theoretic inspiration and scientific legitimation for their professional decisions.

Empire has indeed become something like a supertext, a bible for art theory and exhibition practice soon after its publishing in 2000. This is passé by now, but do we realize what are the consequences today of the so scandalous misreading and misinterpretation of this treatise in the world of art?

Szacsva y Pál’s installation, Empire in Different Colors (II) and the small book written by him in collaboration with Timothy Brennan (an american specialist in human sciences) presented in completion to the show, try to address this uneasy story from two very different points of view, from the perspective of the artist and form the perspective of the critical thinker.

Reprojection II
Reprojection II, 2000
Cismsar Installation
Cismsar Installation, 1998
Another Finger Exercise
Another Finger Exercise, 2005
Empire in Different Colors
Empire in Different Colors, 2004
Empire in Different Colors
Empire in Different Colors, 2004/2007
Empire in Different Colors
Empire in Different Colors, 2004