
Tamás Komoróczky

Born in 1963 - Békéscsaba, Hungary
Lives and works in Berlin and Budapest

contact: toyotomi444@yahoo.com

1986 - 1990Degree in Painting, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
1990 - 1992Postgraduate studies at the Mural Department,
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
1991Video Department, Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany
1996Founding member of the Újlak Group and Tűzoltó72. Exhibition Place, Budapest
1995 - 1998Derkovits scholarship
1997Co-founder of the U.F.F. Gallery
1998Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Rome
Assistant of Professor of Painting Department at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Artist in Residence at the Gasworks Gallery, London
1998 - 2000Projects in C3 (Center for Culture and Communication), Budapest
2005Scholarship of Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2007Artist in Residence at the European Center for Contemporary Art Actions, Strasbourg
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2007Recorded, Lada projekt, Berlin
Hunting Trip, Impex Galéria, Budapest
2005Dr.Sample & Mr.Shooter, Künstlerhouse Bethanien, Berlin
2004God speed, acb Galéria, Budapest
2003Turboreflex - Supercut, acb Galéria, Budapest
2002Oscillatory, Compensation, Dream, XXV. Bienal de Sao Paulo
Supervision, Gallery Display, Praha
And then Nothing Else but the Buzzing of the Bees, RAM Gallery, Rotterdam
Things Fall Out Now This Way, Now That, BBS, Budapest
Supervision, Galleria U, Helsinki
2001Social Intercourse, XLIX. Velencei Biennále, Magyar Pavilon, Velence
Selected Group Exhibitions
2007Foto Rio, Photobienial Rio de Janerio
Futurama, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Berlin
2006Generally Believed, Mongolischen Botschaft in Berlin, Berlin
HOME FOR LOST IDEAS, Schönhauser Allee 167, Berlin
Gutleut 15, Frankfurt / Main
2005MEMO, acb Galéria, Budapest
Shopped to Death, Art Forum Berlin / Tuteurhouses, Berlin
Focus Istanbul, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
Loud and Clear Too, Ludwig Museum, Budapest / Museum Ludwig, Köln
Künstlerhouse Bethanien, Berlin
"Synchronized Coincidence...", Galerie Bergstüb'l, Berlin
2004Around Us, R.A.M. Gallery, Rotterdam
Supra - Individual, Schloss Goldegg (A)
Soapoper, Műcsarnok, Budapest
2003Rosszcsontok, Műcsarnok, Budapest
Aura, Millenáris, Budapest
1.Muestra del Internatcionale Video, El Salvador, San Salvador
Movies without Cinema, Művészetek Háza, Brno
2002Budapest Box, Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum - Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest
Woof Woof, Visual Arts in Temple Bar, Dublin / Austrian Cultural Institute (ACI), London
2001Compatibility, Zoo Galerie, Nantes (Franciaország)
Histoires Hongroises, Musée d'art moderne Lille Métropole, Villeneuve d'Ascq (Franciaország)
Art Forum Berlin, Berlin
Hungarian Digital Art / C3, ICA New Media Centre, London
Shooting Days
high-speed camera videostills from Shooting Days video, 2005
Raka_Tiki_Taki_Tao_Tö_Ki, 2003
Summer Wine
Summer Wine, 2005
Things fall out now this way, now that
Things fall out now this way, now that, 2002
Dr. Sample & Mr. Shooter
Dr. Sample & Mr. Shooter, 2005
Post Alibi Records or a bit of masturbation again
Post Alibi Records or a bit of masturbation again, 2006